Patent attorney
European Patent and Trademark Attorney
Representative before the Unified Patent Court (UPC) Dipl.-Ing.,
DEA (Arts et Métiers Paris Tech)
Mechanical engineering
Materials science
Technical mechanics
Development and conceptualization of new types of products
Nils T. F. Schmid studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Karlsruhe and the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), specializing in materials science and technical mechanics. He also completed a Master's degree (DEA) at the École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Metiers (ENSAM) in Paris in the field of development and conceptualization of new types of products.
With more than 20 years of professional experience as a partner at Boehmert & Boehmert, Nils T. F. Schmid has extensive experience as a German and European representative in proceedings before the German Patent and Trademark Office, the European Patent Office, its Boards of Appeal, the Federal Patent Court, the competent Regional Courts and Higher Regional Courts as well as the Federal Supreme Court. He has also acted as a patent law expert in patent infringement proceedings and advises clients on the structuring of cooperation and development projects.
As a lecturer at the Université de Strasbourg (CEIPI), Nils T. F. Schmid teaches as part of the preparation for the European Patent Examination (EQE). He also regularly holds seminars for the European Patent Academy of the European Patent Office to prepare technical examiners for the EQE.
From 2013 to 2015, he held the office of President of UNION-IP and has been active in the honorary position of President and as Chairman of the Statutes Commission since 2017.
Nils T. F. Schmid is one of the five founders of SKM-IP.
Schmid, Nils T. F., "(K)eine Frage des Alters - Patentverletzung infolge betriebsgemäßer Abnutzung", in: Die internationale Durchsetzung von Schutzrechten. Festschrift for Sabine Rojahn on her 70th birthday, Verlag C.H.Beck 2021, 83-92, ISBN 978-3-406-75240-7; Die Internationale Durchsetzung von Schutzrechten: Festschrift für Sabine Rojahn zum 70. Geburtstag (Festschriften, Festgaben, Gedächtnisschriften) : Lunze, Anja, Hohagen, Gisbert, Kamlah, Dietrich, Rektorschek, Jan Phillip: Bücher
Schmid, Nils T. F., "A new definition of rights. Digitalization and intellectual property", in: Innovation. Denkanstoß "Künstliche Intelligenz", Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade, Berlin 2019. brochures | BWA (
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