Dr. Xizhou Zhang

Patent attorney candidate

Life Sciences

Patent attorney candidate

B.Sc. Biochemistry and Cell Biology

PhD Molecular Biology

Focus on expertise


Cell biology

Biophysical Chemistry

Molecular biology  

Dr. Zhang studied biochemistry and cell biology at Jacobs University Bremen (B.Sc.).
She obtained her doctorate in biophysical chemistry and molecular biology at the University of Göttingen.

She has been a patent engineer at SKM-IP since the beginning of 2023.
Dr. Xizhou Zhang is involved in all areas of patent grant procedures.
This includes conducting searches, drafting applications and responding to official communications. She is also involved in opposition proceedings.

since 2023 Patent engineer
2016 - 2023 PhD in Molecular Biology
Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Science
2013 - 2016 B.Sc. Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Jacobs University Bremen

Zhang, X.C., Xue,K., Salvi,M.,Giller,K., Becker,S., Andreas, L.B.,Griesinger,C.(2023) Transmembrane signaling of a sensor kinase CitA (Manuscript submitted, preprint doi.org/10.1101/2023.02.06.527302)

Xue,K., Movellan, K.T., Najbauer,E.E., Zhang, X.C., and Andreas L.B. Towards a native environment: Structure and function of membrane proteins in lipid bilayers by NMR, Chemical Science, 12(43), 14332-14342.

Nimerovsky, E., Movellan, K. T., Zhang, X.C., Forster, M. C., Najbauer, E., Xue,K., ... and Andreas, L. B. (2021). Proton Detected Solid-State NMR of Membrane Proteins at 28 Tesla and 100 kHz Magic-Angle Spinning. Biomolecules, 11(5):752, 2021.

Zhang, X.C., Forster, M. C., Nimerovsky, E., Movellan, K. T., and Andreas, L.B. (2021). Transferred- rotational-echo double resonance. The journal of physical chemistry. A, 125(3), 754-769.

Liu, P., Liu, H., Schäfer, T., Gutmann, T., Gibhardt, H., Qi, H., Tian,L., Zhang, X.C. and Zhang, K. (2021). Unexpected selective alkaline periodate oxidation of chitin for the isolation of chitin nanocrystals. Green Chemistry, 23(2), 745-751.

Liu, P., Pang, B., Dechert, S., Zhang, X.C., Andreas, L. B., Fischer, S., ... and Zhang, K. (2020). Structure Selectivity of Alkaline Periodate Oxidation on Lignocellulose for Facile Isolation of Cellulose Nanocrystals. Applied Chemistry, 132(8),3244-3
