Dr. Susanna Krapp

Patent attorney

Life Sciences

Patent attorney

B.Sc. Biochemistry and Cell Biology

PhD Molecular Biology

Focus on expertise

Molecular biology


Plant genetics






Dr. Krapp studied Molecular Science at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, where she subsequently obtained her doctorate in Molecular Biology at the Department of Biochemistry.

She specializes in the areas of pharma & life sciences - in particular molecular biology, immunology, plant genetics, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, nutrition, biochemistry and biotechnology.

She has been working as a patent engineer at SKM-IP since the end of 2023.

Dr. Susanna Krapp is active in all areas of patent grant proceedings.
This includes conducting searches, drafting applications and responding to official communications. She is also involved in opposition proceedings.

since 2023 Patent engineer
2019 - 2023 Training as a patent attorney
2014 - 2018 PhD in Molecular Biology
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
2010 - 2014 M.Sc. Molecular Science
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
2006 - 2010 B.Sc. Molecular Science
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Krapp S, Greiner E, Amin B,Sonnewald U & Krenz B (2017). The stress granule component G3BP isa novel interaction partner for the nuclear shuttle proteins of the nanovirus pea necrotic yellow dwarf virus and geminivirus abutilon mosaic virus. Virus Res. 2017 Jan 2;227: 6-14.

Krenz B, Schießl I, Greiner E &Krapp S (2017). Analyses of pea necrotic yellow dwarf virus-encoded proteins. Virus Genes. 2017 Jun; 53(3): 454-463.

Krapp S, Schuy C, Greiner E, Stephan I, Alberter B, Funk C, Marschall M, Wege C, Bailer SM, Kleinow T & Krenz B(2017). Begomoviral Movement Protein Effects in Human and Plant Cells: TowardsNew Potential Interaction Partners. Viruses. 2017 Nov 9; 9(11).
