Dr. Jan B. Krauß
Partner - Patent Attorney

Dr. Jan Krauß analyzes amended EU proposal to prohibit the patenting of NGT plants in issue 05/2024 of "Mitteilung der deutschen Patentanwälte"

Munich, May 13, 2024 - In the upcoming issue 05/2024 of "Mitteilung der deutschen Patentanwälte", Dr. Jan Krauß presents a groundbreaking article on the current debate on the patenting of plants obtained using new genomic techniques.

Under the title "News from the field of biotechnology - The EU and an exclusion of the patenting of inventions relating to plants obtained using certain new genomic techniques", Dr. Krauß sheds light on the EU Commission's amended proposal to ban the patenting of so-called NGT plants. This proposal, which was approved by the EU Parliament in February 2024, interferes with patenting requirements and the scope of protection of patents.

Dr. Krauß' analysis reveals that parts of this bill violate the EU Treaty and TRIPS and reflect an ideological tug-of-war over patents as "tools of big industry to restrict the freedom of farmers and breeders". The debate on the patenting of NGT plants thus raises important questions about the rights of farmers and breeders and the interests of big industry.

Issue 05/2024 of the "Mitteilung der deutschen Patentanwälte" will be published on May 16, 2024 and can already be pre-ordered:

Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte - Issue 5|2024 | Trademark & Patent Law | Commercial Law | Fields of Law | Wolters Kluwer Online Shop (wolterskluwer-online.de)

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash